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IR(R) / IMC Rating

The Instrument Rating (Restricted) 
UK Instrument Meterological Conditions Rating

Is this rating for you? 

The privileges of the IR(R) allow the holder to fly in instrument meteorological conditions outside of controlled airspace and conduct Instrument approach procedures in UK airspace only.

This rating is probably the best training you can add to your PPL short of undergoing a full Instrument rating IR. The skills and knowledge you will gain will allow you to fly in, and above cloud enabling you to do more with your licence. More importantly, if you stay current and proficient, it will prevent you from getting into an unsafe or undesirable situation and may even save your life. You will develop a much greater understanding and respect for meteorological conditions too.

You will need to hold a Part MED CLASS 2 Medical Certificate.

The rating is valid for 25 months and must always be re-validated or renewed by flight test.

What are the training requirements?

Subjects covered 


  • Air law

  • Human performance

  • Meteorology

  • Communications

  • Radio Navigation

  • Approach Procedures

  • Flight Planning & Performance

  • Threat & Error Management


At Horizon we go beyond the IR(R) theory syllabus to ensure you have the level of knowledge and skills to use your IR(R) correctly and safely. A rushed IR(R) course will not prepare you to safely fly in IMC and in our opinion will undermine any safety benefits of holding such a rating.

Practical training 

A minimum of 15 hours flight time; 

  •  10 hours by sole reference to instruments. 

  •  Basic Instrument Flight

  •  Unusual attitude recognition and recovery

  • Instrument flight with limited panel (Failures)

  • Precision Approach Procedures (ILS)

  • Non-Precision Approach Procedures

  • VFR in reduced visibility including bad weather circuits to land.


Study & Exams â€‹

  • 1 written exam (2hrs)

  • Skills test with a Flight Examiner. 


Applicants must have a minimum of 25 hrs post licence issue before the issue of the rating. The course hours can be counted.

We offer mentoring and currency training for any IR or IR(R) pilots who want to get proficient/current with single pilot IFR procedures or to prepare for their re-validation tests. 

£240 per hour

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